Monday, March 26, 2007

WHEW!!!!'s finally over!

I have finally completed my Southern Regional Hygiene Boards! I finished at 2:30 on Friday. Thanks to all of you that prayed for me! I was not nervous, except for about 5 seconds while taking my patient's pulse before I could begin. Remarkably, I wasn't nervous the whole week prior to the examination--that is the power of prayer! Thank you!!!

The time flew by so quickly. As I told Gene, all I can say is that I gave 100% and I don't believe that there is any way I could have changed things to have used my time any better. The SRTA testing agency did not seem to have it together very well (from the fist time I spoke with them on the phone, up until the moment the examination was finished). That proved a little frustrating, but I have made it through. I should have my scores mailed to me in the next four weeks. So, stay tuned to see if I passed or not. I am praying that I did, but I also trust the Lord's plan must be different if I didn't. He is in control and not me!! I am just thankful for the confidence that He provided during my test!And I am thankful for all of the many (mini) details that He took care of for me--especially in the final moments of the week last week!

Please pray for the lady that was my patient. We (Gene and I) were able to talk with her about MANY spiritual issues during the trip to Charleston. She says that she has prayed to receive Christ, but doesn't understand how to "access" the Christian life. She has absolutely NO Christian/ church background. So, it is very exciting to think about the possibility of being able to mentor/disciple somone who comes with no "fixed" answers, as many of us in church usually do. She is a blank slate ready to be taught!! Please just pray that this weekend wasn't "just talk", but that she will truly desire to know God and walk in His ways!

There is much to praise Him for today!!!!!!! "He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to my God" Ps.40:3


Carrie Nixon said...

Whoo Hoo! It's over. I am so happy that you guys were able to spend time together as a family and with you patient! It is very excited to hear about her! We will continue to pray for her and you guys.

Thanks for remembering my b-day! i can't believe that you took time to get me a card in the middle of all this!

Love you!

Paula Roberts said...

So proud of you! I am so glad you made it through all of this and I can't wait to see what is in store for you next. Those pictures from Charleston are great! I really like the one you didn't post - with you in it. Nice angle - I see a scrap in the future! Love you!

Shane H. said...

Wow! So much has happened since I last checked in. I'm sure you did well on the exam. By the way, I saw you walking the other're looking great! I sure wish I had your determination and self discipline.