Saturday, July 19, 2008

Please pray...

We found out yesterday that some sweet friends that we had back in Asheville have suffered a tragedy. Jeff and Angela Adkins have 4 beautiful little girls. This is one of the sweetest families you will ever meet and one that truly loves the Lord.

This week, their 2nd daughter, Claire, fell out of a tree and broke her arm. Due to her injuries and need for surgery, they were sent to Winston-Salem. Claire made it through the surgery, but later while her Mom was holding her she began to have seizures. Further investigation revealed that she had bleeding on her brain. Friday morning, she passed away. She, of course, is with her Lord and fully whole, but please pray for Jeff and Angela and their children. I can not imagine the grief that they must be experiencing.

The Lord has really convicted me that I have not been making every day count. The Scripture is clear that we are to "count" our days. I believe this means everyday should be lived in a way that honors Him and draws others to Him. I am thankful for my family, but today...I am much more thankful for those hugs this morning and those smiles asking, "what's for breakfast?"

Lord, today we pray that you will strengthen this family in the supernatural way that only YOU can do! Be their Comforter. Thank you that YOU are faithful!! Our trust is in You alone!!


Shane H. said...

Oh, Angie... I am so sorry to hear about this. I can not possibly begin to imagine their grief. Please tell them that I will pray for them and their entire family.

Paula Roberts said...

So sorry to hear about this family. I will pray for them.