Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I can't believe I did this!

Well, if you are reading are reading HISTORY!! This is a first in the Ownbey household--our first blog!! If my sister is reading this, please call 911 now! She will need to be recovered quickly from falling on the floor! What do you think Paula?? I can't believe I actually did it!


Paula Roberts said...

Well, I think it is just dandy! I can't wait to here about all the cute things that happen in your happy home. I will look forward to reading every day! You will appreciate having a place to journal and having a record even if it does seem mundane, it is life, and it is the things we will want to remember years from now. Love you all, can't wait to read more! (By the way, many English College classes are requiring their students to start blogs instead of keeping paper journals, so I am sure you can find a way to incorporate this into your homeschooling.)