Sunday, December 17, 2006

no "doubting Thomas" found here

I want to share today an email we received about an incredible family. We learned of Thomas through our home schooling families here. This is just one of the amazing emails we have received about this strong, Christian young man. He ended his battle with cancer in November and now stands in the presence of the One he loved and honored with his life--Jesus Christ and he is completely healed. His faith was stronger at 16 than any 70 year old Christian I know. It is obvious that he had a special annointing of the Lord on his life. May you be challenged by this as much as we were this week:

"d ear friends, one morning on the way to the doctor for chemo, i was talking to thomas about my wrestling with the specifics of ," giving thanks to God for "everything" in our lives. and praising Him for everything in our lives" Really, my question was wether i had to actually be in a place of thanking God FOR the brain tumors--- or was i just supposed to be able to thank God for His provisions in/through the tumors: answered prayers, blessings, His will in thomas' life etc.....basically,was it that i just needed to thank God for what He was doing in thomas' life with the tumors or was my heart supposed to be at a place of thankfulness/praise for the actual tumors.... i was wrestling with it,because i so wanted everything i was doing to be "right", so that my prayers for thomas' healing would be effective . i told thomas i was struggling with it because it would be so hard for me to honestly be thankful and praise for the " actual thing " that was causing so, so much pain and suffering to my child....... after alot of discussion with thomas and back and forth-- thomas ,always answering me patiently ,and then me saying , but what about this or that .. i asked thomas, " how do you feel, do you thank Him" for" the tumors or how do you handle/feel about it for you personally?" .... thomas looked at me and said, " mom, you think too much!!!! you are wasting time on rabbit trails. the bottom line is this: God sent His Son to die for me! if God never did anything else for me ever: if He never answered another prayer of mine, if He doesn't heal me, if i have brain tumors and suffer, no matter what happens to me ever, if He never ,ever did another thing for me again but that-- His sending Jesus for me- that is enough for me to Praise Him continually, daily , as long as i live..... so mom, just focus on that... praise Him for sending Jesus and quit worrying about the tumors! and being thankful for them or not---all we need to continually praise Him, is His sending Jesus. " so , it hit me this morning as i thought about christmas and it's meaning... for me thanks to thomas' testimony to me.... it is about , Jesus. that is God's gift to all of us---- thankyou for blessing our family this christmas season with your prayers , we are grateful....."


The Twiddys said...

Oh ME of little faith. Wow