Monday, October 27, 2008

Another Civil War?

We watched Sarah Palin on TV. Wish we could have seen her in person. My sister got to be there, so I can't wait to see her pictures soon. She said that she could tell that she was surrounded by people that believe in life and support Christian values. I believe Christian values are playing a VERY big role in this election--so much so--that I believe that is is not so much about republicans vs. democrats as it is those who love the Lord and those who despise Him. Quite a spiritual "civil war" going on--wonder how it will divide the country next Tuesday???By the way, sanctity of life is not just about the unborn and handicapped--it is also about the elderly and valuing them until their last day and considering their wisdom a gift, not considering them a burden on society. Gene and I met with a gentleman last night about some long-term health care insurance--nursing home and assisted living, etc. We're not planning to buy it, but it made me think about all those folks in those places desiring to be loved, cared for and valued! How sad to think that you spent your whole life loving and nurturing other people just so that in the end they can be left like that. I am sick of people saying that this is a racial issue for this election. It isn't a racial issue--it's a LIFE or death issue. There are many black men that I would vote for if they were running for president--J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes, etc--but unfortunately, McCain and Obama are our choices and I choose life!! Sorry for the preaching today, I just plead with you all to get out and vote next Tuesday. Choose life that you may live.

One more thing, then I'll be quite for the day:
Don't believe the polls or the media!!
Psalm 20:7 says: "Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God!"
Plead with God to show mercy (undeserved favor) to our nation. And trust Him with the results. I know that He is the Sovereign One and will still be The One in control regardless of whom He allows in the White House.