Monday, October 27, 2008

One more plea

Ok, if you read my last entry, I said I would stop preaching today. But...I was sitting in the car waiting for Luke to get out of co-op and heard Focus on the Family broadcast for today. Amazing facts were being disclosed about Barack Obama's political history and support of abortion and beyond. I know that there are many young people planning to vote for this man, but my question is "Aren't you glad your mother did not believe in abortion?"

Here is the link if you would like to read the article yourself. It is quite lengthy, but such good information:

Unfortunately, you'll have to copy and paste this if you care to read it. Blogger won't let me add it as a link--that's the kind of Monday I'm havin' I guess.


Katie said...

I never really thought about me probably not being here if you believed in abortion. Glad you don't!