Before I begin, let me apologize for being so far behind in my blogging. I feel like a traitor since any spare time I have, I tend to be "nosey" and check up on everyone on Facebook. I'll try to catch this blog up during the next couple of weeks.
On the Friday after Thanksgiving, we always put our Christmas tree up. That night we have cheese ball with crackers, special sausage from Hickory Farms, some chocolate covered "whatever" that we've made and homemade punch. While eating, we put on the ornaments, eat some more, decorate, eat some more, decorate, eat some more...think you get the picture!
These are some of our favorite ornaments because a special lady at our church, Emily Bolt, made these for us. Each year, we anticipate her creative, personalized ornaments. She certainly has a gift that I would love to have!! Maybe one day, she will teach me and the girls how to do these.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday after Thanksgiving traditions
Posted by Angie at 9:35 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving Day
Paula was kind enough to spend most of her afternoon shooting family pictures for us. You'll soon see on our Christmas card what a great job she did!
Posted by Angie at 11:24 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Bat Burger
A few random bites of a burger resulted in the "Bat Signal" roaming through our home. I'm sure you can guess who was eating guessed it...LUKE! (of course, Katie was the one to think of actually taking a picture of it--those two are always up to something!).
Posted by Angie at 8:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Like the World
I emailed a friend back this morning in response to the election last night and decided that I would share my struggles with any of you that care to read them today. I am sure there are many struggling today--but our hope is in OUR King--the King of Kings!!
No, we didn't stay up. We watched until about 9:45 and I thought my time would better be used sleeping so that I would be able to get up and have a quiet time. Little did I know how easy it is to get up and have a quiet time when you desperately NEED the Lord!! I am sure that my priorities will be much clearer for the next four years.
I flipped the TV on just to make sure that he became president because I kept dreaming that the networks kept coming back on saying,"we were wrong again, another state has been taken from Obama and awarded to McCain". it seemed so real, but I knew in my heart when I awoke that would not be the truth. Anyway, I saw where he and his wife and kids walked out on that enormous stage (not sure where Biden was). I turned the TV off and just began to sob. Sob not because he won, but because of how many Christians had to have voted for him in order for him to win--they HAD to!! It breaks my heart that people can not see how vile he is in his stand on abortion!! How on earth does God put up with us!?!? Anyway, as I sat there Micah 6:8 came to mind about what God requires: to act justly, love mercy and walk HUMBLY with Him. So I turned there and began reading Micah 6 and 7--wow! God's judgment on the nation of Israel for turning to pagan gods and idol worship!! He said that His judgment has come and they will be destroyed, BUT the remnant will remain and He will bless them and they will come through. We talked about it at breakfast this morning how Christians are watching the same movies as the world, listening to the same music, dressing immodestly like the world, having sex outside of marriage-like the world, divorcing-like the world,cussing-like the world, taking His name in vain on a daily basis-like the world, doing things THEIR way- like the world and not the Lord's--how COULD He leave us going down this road?? Where is the holiness of His people? Because He loves us--He HAS to discipline us, not as a nation, but as believers that call Him Lord, supposedly. May He grant us strength to endure these difficult days ahead that we may be found faithful, bold, and not lose faith!! Be found stronger because we know that our faith will be tested.
Well enough rambling for today. Go to someone else's blog--I'm sure it will have the same topic today. I need to remember Jesus said we are to be IN the world, but not OF the world.
Posted by Angie at 8:13 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Always learnin' somethin'
I had a Continuing Ed class all day yesterday and learned a new saying that might challenge you as much as it did me:
Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change!
Not that brilliant, I know. But is.
Posted by Angie at 7:56 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
One more plea
Ok, if you read my last entry, I said I would stop preaching today. But...I was sitting in the car waiting for Luke to get out of co-op and heard Focus on the Family broadcast for today. Amazing facts were being disclosed about Barack Obama's political history and support of abortion and beyond. I know that there are many young people planning to vote for this man, but my question is "Aren't you glad your mother did not believe in abortion?"
Here is the link if you would like to read the article yourself. It is quite lengthy, but such good information:
Unfortunately, you'll have to copy and paste this if you care to read it. Blogger won't let me add it as a link--that's the kind of Monday I'm havin' I guess.
Posted by Angie at 3:06 PM 1 comments
Another Civil War?
We watched Sarah Palin on TV. Wish we could have seen her in person. My sister got to be there, so I can't wait to see her pictures soon. She said that she could tell that she was surrounded by people that believe in life and support Christian values. I believe Christian values are playing a VERY big role in this election--so much so--that I believe that is is not so much about republicans vs. democrats as it is those who love the Lord and those who despise Him. Quite a spiritual "civil war" going on--wonder how it will divide the country next Tuesday???By the way, sanctity of life is not just about the unborn and handicapped--it is also about the elderly and valuing them until their last day and considering their wisdom a gift, not considering them a burden on society. Gene and I met with a gentleman last night about some long-term health care insurance--nursing home and assisted living, etc. We're not planning to buy it, but it made me think about all those folks in those places desiring to be loved, cared for and valued! How sad to think that you spent your whole life loving and nurturing other people just so that in the end they can be left like that. I am sick of people saying that this is a racial issue for this election. It isn't a racial issue--it's a LIFE or death issue. There are many black men that I would vote for if they were running for president--J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes, etc--but unfortunately, McCain and Obama are our choices and I choose life!! Sorry for the preaching today, I just plead with you all to get out and vote next Tuesday. Choose life that you may live.
One more thing, then I'll be quite for the day:
Don't believe the polls or the media!!
Psalm 20:7 says: "Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God!"
Plead with God to show mercy (undeserved favor) to our nation. And trust Him with the results. I know that He is the Sovereign One and will still be The One in control regardless of whom He allows in the White House.
Posted by Angie at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Anyone lost a Copperhead??
If you did, we found it--but you might not want it back since he is a little "torn up" about things.
While I was picking Brett up from work Friday night, Gene had the joy of mowing the lawn. Mowing through the backyard, he saw something moving quickly toward our old garden area. Just as he suspected--a snake!! It was getting pretty dark by then, so he could not identify it until Saturday morning--a Copperhead!! He looks pretty small in these pictures, but we learned that babies are worse than the adult because they don't know how to use their venom yet, so they use too much! A man at our church was bitten by a copperhead a few weeks ago and was rushed to the hospital and it doing fine now-PTL!
Just thought all of you out there in blogworld might want to check out the little guy...
Posted by Angie at 7:43 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Great Day of Service
Our church has a day each Fall where we go out and serve our community. It is our family's favorite day in the church year! As many of you know, we are now home schooling Luke (due to several circumstances) and as his assignment today, he had to write a paper about his experience on Great Day of Service. I thought some of you might enjoy reading it.
Every year, our church gathers to go to different places to help others in our Great Day of Service. This year’s was on Saturday, October 4, 2008. Our group went to help the Ronald McDonald house in Greenville, SC near the hospital. The Ronald McDonald house is for people that have children in the hospital and can not afford a hotel to stay in.
The week before we went, I spent my time making cards for the people in the Ronald McDonald House. I drew Fred and Wilma Flintstone, Popeye, Odie, Lightening McQueen, and Scooby Doo on the front of my cards. I thought the cartoons would be cool and funny to cheer the kids up. On the inside, I wrote a Bible verse to tell them about Jesus and how much He loved them.
That Saturday, our job was to help at the house in whatever way they needed. We served the families breakfast. We served them eggs, biscuits, sausage, bacon, granola bars, homemade cinnamon rolls, muffins, egg casserole and fruit along with fresh orange juice and coffee. It looked tasty. After breakfast, we went outside to do yard work. We pulled weeds, picked up trash, cleaned up brush around the dumpster. We washed the fences. It looked really nice when we were finished. I had a good time and I can’t wait until next year’s Great Day of Service.
There are many people hurting out there. It is good to do things like this to help us keep our own lives in perspective.
Posted by Angie at 9:10 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Congratulations Amanda!!
Amanda, we are SO proud of you!!
Amanda got accepted to Western Carolina University last week! She will begin in January. I can't believe that she is old enough to be going off to college--boy! does time fly! It seems just like yesterday that Gene and I were pulling her around in her little red wagon while she kept saying "u-duh, u-duh"!! Great memories! Maybe I'll have to check around in a little while and see if I can find that picture.
Way to go Amanda! We love you!
Posted by Angie at 6:08 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
and it's not even Christmas yet
With all the uncertainties of life today--gas prices, election, stock market, economy in general--it can get a little unsettling. This morning when I was having my quiet time, the Lord brought me a scripture that we usually hear at Christmas but I found more fitting today:
Posted by Angie at 6:32 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Luke's Dream car...
Luke's dream is finally started...Gene and Luke are beginning to build a downhill racer car. Luke is so excited! My dad gave Luke a book that was my grandfathers' with the design in it, so Gene took Luke a few weeks ago and bought all the supplies. They were able to borrow some tools from one of our friends, Mr. Wayne (substitute grand-dad) and began the project before the football games. Luke was sick this past weekend, so it may take a few weeks to get this project completed. Keep watch for updates on this great project.
Posted by Angie at 12:23 PM 2 comments
It must be football time!
This is what my den looked like last Saturday as college football seasoned kicked-off. Brett had to work--just like every other Saturday this summer. So Gene and Luke were left to watch football together. They look a little intense as they shove their lunch in without even taking their eyes off the TV (and Tennessee wasn't even playing!).
Posted by Angie at 12:18 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Last Sounds of Summer
When you think of summer, what are some sounds or smells that can take you right back to your childhood? I am a person that loves sounds and smells--they transport me to some great (and some bad) times. When I smell chestnuts trees (that awful Chlorox smell), I can remember my mom having headaches just from the smell. I also remember me sliding down a hill, by accident of course, on my bottom and hands supporting me as Chestnut "thorns" poked me--bad memories!! But then there are those wonderful sounds like the churn of an ice cream maker churning that wonderful homemade ice cream. Somehow, I let the summer of 2007 pass without one batch of homemade ice cream. I am sure for many of you this is an amazing surprise. But guess what...I almost let Summer 2008 slip by the same way. But last weekend, I was determined to not let that happen again! I got a recipe from Brianna Johnson (old Biltmore buddy!! and former high school pal) for Blueberry Cheesecake ice cream--YUMMY!!! Me and the kids loved it! Gene liked the taste. But he is used to me cooking my ice cream first and having more of a smoother texture. Anyway, it brought back great memories of Mom and her friend Judy churning vanilla ice cream with all the fixin's on the side like Mom's homemade freezer strawberry jelly--YUM!!
Posted by Angie at 12:48 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Pumped about Palin
Maybe I am getting a little ahead of myself, considering the fact that we don't know "much" about Sarah Palin--but I've just got to say that I am FINALLY pumped about walking into the polls on election day. To see a woman live by her principles in bringing that precious baby into the world and not just saying she is pro-life is enough for me. Knowing our own risks with Hannah (high risk, in fact, according to doctors, those so-called professionals) being possibly born with Down's Syndrome, I think that I can see this lady cares about family, she cares about life regardless of the fact it might cause some problems down the road. The Lord did not place us here to have a life of comfort and convenience, but one that requires us to trust Him! The old hymn says it best, Trust and Obey!! I am sure that she and her husband could never have believed when they chose life over convenience, that they would now be in the spotlight giving testimony to God's goodness. May He hold her up during this time and her family, as well.
Posted by Angie at 4:24 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
God is Good!
These are our wonderful children! It seems like they are growing and maturing by the minute! We did not have time yesterday to get a picture of Luke for his first day of school, so here he is with the girls on the their first day and Brett's 6th day! We are so proud of them and how they are growing. This year will probably have many struggles, ups and downs, but I want to take today to praise the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness in bringing us to this point. If you had asked me a year ago where we would be, especially in relation to school--I NEVER would have dreamed this. He is faithful!! It has been a l-o-n-g, tiring year for ALL of us and now we get a glimpse of what He was working out for our good.
Some trust in horse, some trust in chariots, but we trust in the NAME OF THE LORD OUR GOD!!! Thank you, Lord!!!!
Posted by Angie at 8:56 AM 4 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
He's off and Adulthood!
We dropped Brett off to Greenville Tech Charter High School this morning. He is very excited to have the opportunity to go there. He almost drove us crazy this morning wanting to leave and get there early. Of course, if you know me and Gene, he was already going to be early enough!! right? Driving Off!
Taking the first step!
Obviously, mom and dad are more anxious about pulling away than he is!
Posted by Angie at 12:25 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Happy 9th birthday, Luke!!
Luke doing a little "air guitar" or in this case..."putter guitar"! Isn't he going to be a heart breaker one day!?!
Luke showing his incredible skill in the massive competive sport of putt-putt golf!
Posted by Angie at 6:58 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Happy 65th Birthday Daddy!
Daddy's Hands by Holly Dunn
I remember Daddy´s hands, folded silently in prayer.
And reaching out to hold me, when I had a nightmare.
You could read quite a story, in the callouses and lines.
Years of work and worry had left their mark behind.
I remember Daddy´s hands, how they held my Mama tight,
And patted my back, for something done right.
There are things that I´ve forgotten, that I loved about the man,
But I´ll always remember the love in Daddy´s hands.
Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong.
Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle
But I´ve come to understand.
There was always love in Daddy´s hands.
I remember Daddy´s hands, working 'til they bled.
Sacrificed unselfishly, just to keep us all fed.
If I could do things over, I´d live my life again.
And never take for granted the love in Daddy´s hands.
For over 20 years, I have heard this song (everyone knows "I'm a little bit country"!) and have always thought of my Daddy. Many times it has brought tears to my eyes! I love you Daddy and hope your day is great!!
Posted by Angie at 7:29 AM 2 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Please pray...
We found out yesterday that some sweet friends that we had back in Asheville have suffered a tragedy. Jeff and Angela Adkins have 4 beautiful little girls. This is one of the sweetest families you will ever meet and one that truly loves the Lord.
This week, their 2nd daughter, Claire, fell out of a tree and broke her arm. Due to her injuries and need for surgery, they were sent to Winston-Salem. Claire made it through the surgery, but later while her Mom was holding her she began to have seizures. Further investigation revealed that she had bleeding on her brain. Friday morning, she passed away. She, of course, is with her Lord and fully whole, but please pray for Jeff and Angela and their children. I can not imagine the grief that they must be experiencing.
The Lord has really convicted me that I have not been making every day count. The Scripture is clear that we are to "count" our days. I believe this means everyday should be lived in a way that honors Him and draws others to Him. I am thankful for my family, but today...I am much more thankful for those hugs this morning and those smiles asking, "what's for breakfast?"
Lord, today we pray that you will strengthen this family in the supernatural way that only YOU can do! Be their Comforter. Thank you that YOU are faithful!! Our trust is in You alone!!
Posted by Angie at 7:03 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Here we go...
I have been waiting until I could grab a camera before posting this you know, cameras and I are not often found together:) Anyway, Brett got his driving permit a month ago. I have spent the last four (+) weeks teaching him to drive. Let's just say it has been a learning experience for BOTH of us! I guess I am old-fashioned. I think the way WE did it growing up was the correct way---take a class, drive with someone experienced at "teaching" you to drive THEN go get a permit! Wow! What a novel idea. Anyway, in South Carolina--it's not done that way. So once again, the Lord has challenged me in yet another area of my life--trusting Him! Brett is doing a great job, it's Mom that is lost as to how to teach beyond 35-40 mph road driving. We ventured out yesterday onto Hwy 25 coming from the Cliffs direction with 18-wheelers passing us on the left, when it hit me "Hey, you've never driven over 40 mph! Maybe we should pull over and put Mom back behind the wheel!" So TWO miles down the road--I took back the wheel. I felt like Carrie Underwood, "Jesus take the wheel!" I felt bad for Brett because I told him he could drive the rest of the trip back to Cherrydale. Do you ever make a commitment and wish you had been thinking clearer when you made it??? I reassured him that he did a great job, it's me that's not. So...we got home and called Auto Safe and Brett begins (and ends) all of his drivers' ed next week. We are excited because he will be with retired State Trooper King. I can't wait to hear Brett's stories each day. To be honest I think Brett is excited so that he might finally get to drive further than to work at Chick-fil-A and back home or to church and home. We'll keep you posted.
Posted by Angie at 8:02 AM 2 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Pirkbey Kids
A few years ago, we went camping with our great friends, The Pirkles. While going in and out of stores and restaurants, we were constantly trying to make sure we had not lost 9 children! So as we would exit, we'd say, "OK, Pirkbey's time to go!" and everyone would hop in the cars. We figured we were all 1/2 Ownbey, 1/2 Pirkle--it worked and it has stuck. So here are a couple of Pirkbey pictures from our recent camping trip to Hunting Island, SC in May. For those of you that don't know yet--we sold our camper last week much to everyone's sadness, especially Luke! We just felt the Lord telling it was time. We' ve got kids getting older with much more sophisticated needs, so it was time.
Posted by Angie at 7:06 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Surprising Katie
Katie turned 13 on May 12th! Another teenager lives in our home--though I would choose to the phrase "young adult" :) Since we knew we would be at the beach camping during her birthday, we decided to surprise her early.
Katie loves cookie cake and hot pink (with lime green-but that wasn't available...)
And for the biggie...her HOT PINK iPOD nano. She was so excited to finally get her iPOD. She has had so much fun listening to the music and watching some shows that she downloaded from iTunes. Isn't she adorable!?!?!
Posted by Angie at 7:14 AM 2 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
What a gentleman!
Watch out if you have girls from ages 4-9 right now. In about 15 years this young man could be stealing their hearts! This is Luke and Emma. Each boy was assigned a girl to escort into the Tea Party on Wednesday. Luke was so excited to get Emma since she was already one of his friends. Also pictured is a photo of the goodies that day. Luke had orange tea with cream and sugar with chocolate covered strawberries and tea cookies. Aren't the teapot cookies adorable?? His friend, Lauren's mom made them. yum yum!
Posted by Angie at 1:51 PM 2 comments
The Boston Tea Party
Luke's class has been studying the Boston Tea Party during the last few weeks. To celebrate, Mrs. Pace gave them a Victorian Tea Party. Here are the boys and girls preparing for the big event. Notice in the last picture, he's preparing for his future as a model for Jos A. Bank!!
Posted by Angie at 1:29 PM 1 comments
Look out Zaxby's...
Chick-Fil-A's got a secret weapon that you don't have------BRETT OWNBEY!!
Brett began working at Chick-fil-a 2 weeks ago. He is having a lot of fun and EATING a lot more!! Nothing like telling a teenager that he can have a free meal (or milkshake!)!! He's enjoying meeting new people and learning to answer to a "boss." Just thought I'd show you a couple of pictures so that you can see how much he has matured in the last couple of months. Keep in mind, his driver's permit (Lord willin') comes less than a month from now. YIKES!! (If you click on the first picture, zooming in shows off his handsome smile :) )
Posted by Angie at 1:15 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Happy Birthday, Hannah!
Hannah turned 11 on the 11th of April. She works at our church's Weekday program with the 2 year old class. On Friday, they surprised her with a party! She got a cookie cake (her favorite) and beach stuff--towel, sunscreen, goggles, plus a gift card to Wal-Mart. She was so excited. I can't believe she is a TWEEN now--where did the time go!?!?! Here are a couple of pictures from our family celebration Friday night...
Posted by Angie at 6:27 AM 4 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Working Man
Brett has officially joined the working world!! He worked for a family friend at Wood You furniture here in Greenville, SC for 2 weeks. He had a great time! This is a picture of him with his first paycheck ever!
Posted by Angie at 1:35 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
31st Annual Reedy River Run
This is the 31st Annual Reedy River Run downtown Greenville. My goal for my 40th birthday was to do this 5K. My "normal" desire for any birthday would be to gobble up a triple layer chocolate cake with a gallon of my favorite ice cream! I decided that now I am "full grown" that I should have a better goal. Katie wanted to join me in this venture. We had a GREAT time!! She is a real trooper. Don't be fooled--I still ate a whole QUART of MudPie MoJo ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery--a dear friend brought it to me--thanks Lonna! You didn't really think I would skip the goodies, did you?
Posted by Angie at 7:05 AM 3 comments